CROnics Version 1.1
By Somasundaram et al (1998)CROnics is a GUI based analog circuit simulation software for beginners. Select, draw, analyse! Thats all!!
In CROnics, elemnts like resistors, capacitors and inductors can be used. Current and Voltage sources can be included. Bipolar transistors and FETs can be simulated in the active region. CROnics also has some simulated measurement equipments like Digital Multimeter, Analog Power meter and CRO. It can also be used to plot magnitude and phase response of the network. CROnics also has a built-in calculator to perform some calculations.CROnics also has an hyperlinked help system that covers every functional aspect of the software.
CROnics was developed in Turbo C/C++ for DOS. It does not use any OOPS concepts and is mainly C code with grouping of functions and variables as a class. CROnics uses only the conventional memory of 640KB of RAM. It does not require extended memory to run.
Other contributors to this software my friends Venkatarayalu, Prasanna and Saravanan. This software was developed as a project for a programming course in our engineering school - Anna University. It also won the first prize in a software contest held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai (my dad got his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from there!)
Minimum Requirements:
Intel 386 based PC with a two button mouse support in MS-DOS.
3MB of free Hard disk space.
Size: 329KB
This is a freeware and everybody is free to use it. For source code, please contact me at