GUI library for DOS
By Somasundaram Meiyappan (1998)GUIs have always scored over CUIs. This is a free GUI library for TurboC++ users who want to create Windoz like applications in DOS. Using this library, the user can add a easy-to-use user interface to his/her application. It also provides mouse suport for the application. This application uses the 640x480 16-color mode that TurboC++ offers.
It is extremely easy to use. Just instantiate a class and proceed. When you write a code, you would feel as though you are working in VC++. It is event-driven. That is another aspect that can be drawn in parallel with VB/VC++. Support for the following interface objects are provided.
- Window
- Menu Bar
- Multilevel Pop-up menu
- Status Bar
- Command Button
- Radio Button
- Check Button
- Scroll Bar
- List Box
- Combo box with Simple combo/Drop Down List styles
There are a few common dialog box class that may be frequently used in applications. One example is the Open/Save/Save As dialog box.
This is actually a much improved version of the GUI code used in CROnics.
Minimum Requirements:
Intel Pentium based PC with MS-DOS.
1MB of free Hard disk space.